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Iso-propanol ((CH2)2CHOH) is a colorless liquid that is soluble in water. It is obtained from propylene. It forms an explosive and flammable mixture with air at low concentrations and it is moderately toxic. It is used as a raw material for the production of acetone and glycerol, as a solvent for alkaloids, resins, oils and cellulose derivatives and in medicine.

Molecular weight: 60.1 Critical temperature: 508.75 K
Melting point: 194.15 K Critical pressure: 5.370 MPa
Normal boiling point: 355.65 KCritical density: 274 kg/m3

Table 1. Iso-propanol: Values of thermophysical properties of the saturated liquid and vapor

From: Beaton, C, E and Hewitt, G. F. (1989) Physical Property Data for the Design Engineer, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation. New York.

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