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Electromagnetic radiation (for instance, thermal radiation in the infrared range) may be attenuated in passing. The albedo ω is the dimensionless value that is equal the ratio of scattering coefficient (β) to the sum of absorption (k) and scattering (β) coefficients:

The single scattering albedo defines the fraction of energy scattering in total energy attenuation. The dependencies of ω on frequency and temperature are determined by the corresponding dependencies of k and β. Albedo is widely used in radiative heat transfer calculations.


Seigel, R. and Howell, J. R. (1992) Thermal Radiation Heat Transfer, third edition, Washington D. C., Hemisphere.

Ozisik, M. N. (1985) Radiative transfer and interaction with conduction and convection. New York: Werbel & Peck.


  1. Seigel, R. and Howell, J. R. (1992) Thermal Radiation Heat Transfer, third edition, Washington D. C., Hemisphere.
  2. Ozisik, M. N. (1985) Radiative transfer and interaction with conduction and convection. New York: Werbel & Peck.
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